Mastery Lesson 56 – Mindset Training

At this point, you have your foundation in place: expert presence, daily content, at least one product and several outlined, a coaching program, an email campaign, daily emails, and you are attracting new prospects online.

So what’s next?

Frankly, in one sense, what’s next is more of the same – do bigger and better, attract more prospects, create more content, and so on.

And then of course there are additional strategies you can layer on over time.

But one of the most important things is to stay extremely focused on where you want your business to go.

It won’t go there without your guidance.

And it will likely take a strong level of looking at what you have in place right now, evaluating the weaknesses and what needs to change, and thinking about what you can add to your business.

This might include :

  • more targeted visitors
  • more emails
  • more content
  • more expertise
  • more products

and so on

the basics . . . . mastered.

So for these next last few lessons I want to focus on some non-tangibles, things you can do in your mind, your mindset, and your drive and desire that will keep you moving forward.

For today:

Mindset Training


  • What is YOUR mindset?
  • Is it holding you back?
  • Is it empowering you?
  • Are you happy with your mindset?
  • What needs to change?

Take out a sheet of paper and document each of these answers.

Go back to that sheet each day this week and add to it.
