WAIT! Get My Advanced Product Creation Toolkit:
Dear Friend:
Because you've just purchased my "Kindle Creation With Recordings" Special Offer, I want to make you a special offer:
Get my Advanced Product Creation Toolkit With Print Tutorials to Guide You In Creating an Ebook, a Coaching Program AND a CD program all from one easy outline . . . !
You'll discover:
1. How to easily create articles from each of your products...after you create them...to use to drive targeted traffic to your site to buy your products.
2. How to use your articles to build a list of prospects to sell your products to.
3. How to write an ebook in less than one week
4. How to correctly create a 10 - CD or 10 MP3 series in less than one week
5. How to create a coaching program in just one week...and begin enrolling clients the very next week!
6. Learn the BEST way to build relationships with your subscribers and buyers fast so they will not just buy one product from you, but they will buy your entire product funnel of products.
How, here's the thing, this training sells on my site for $97 here: Black Belt Product Creation, but you get the entire training program for one low wso price, because you have just invested in my Kindle Creation With Recordings: 
Perhaps right now you are thinking, do I really need the advanced training. . . and I would ask you this: do you want intense details on how YOU can create your own products in a whole bunch of innovative ways?
If so, this is a great price, I've sold this at $97 before, you can get it today for wso pricing:

No Thanks, Sean, I don't want your advanced product creation to take my product creation to the next level