Discover the Secret to Achieving the Highest Level Online Results Gained Only By the Top 1% . . . This is a time-tested, proven system for getting the absolute highest results fastest ($50k, $100k, even $200k Infobusinesses). . .


From: Sean Mize

To: Clients of Sean Mize:

Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .

Are you trying to build a profitable online business - you know, $100k revenue or better, but you are seriously stuck?

Are you frustrated because you've bought training after training and you've studied and you've learned and you can even quote all the things you know . . . but you just can't make it happen in your business?

Is it so irritating - maybe even angering - that you have spent so much time and invested so much money, and yet, you are still spinning your wheels?

If so, I understand.

Does this sound familiar?

You want to build an online business.

So you buy some beginner training, basically it tells you to build a website and then build a list.

You get stuck buiding the website, so right now you have a blog with about 4 blog posts on it.

And the list . . . forget it.

Where are you gonna get the people to become the list members?

You've worn out your friends and family, they are tired of reading your facebook posts about your chosen topic cause it doesn't interest them - it doesn't even interest you anymore, maybe!

You hear you need more traffic.

So you study traffic. One guy says facebook, another gal says pinterest, someone else says linkedin, everyone saying something different.

One guy says you gotta master seo, another gal says it doesn't matter.

But somehow you get more traffic - but still no more sales.

No more leads.

No list.

Or maybe you have a small list, but you are struggling to grow it.

Maybe you have a few products, but they aren't selling the way you want it.

Part of you even wants to quit but when you look around you see people with less education, worser-looking than you, making a full time income online, and you just can't quit.

It's like you owe it to yourself and your family to figure it out.

But the bottom line is, what you are doing isn't working.

If so, I believe I can help you.

Here's why: 8 years ago, Iwas right where you are.

I started with zero list and zero subscribers in August of 2006.

I started the whole thing with about $300, and leveraged almost every additional dollar from my initial investment.

I set out to crack the code - what are the gurus doing that were making a million dollars or more a year.

I skipped following the people who were just struggling to teach one little topic, and went right to the gurus.

And I created an initial system based on what I saw they were DOING, not what they were saying.

It was hard work, I worked 40-50 hours a week on my online business, writing 5000 or more words many days.

But by January of 2007, I had about 4000 subscribers and an income of $5540 a month.

And that same month, I began coaching clients on how to do the same thing.

And over the course of the last 7 1/2 years, I have coached literally thousands of clients, telling them what to do to have the success I had.

Teaching them how to do the steps, how to look at things differently, what to change (or start) in their businesses.

And frankly, it was too much, too different for some people.

They quit.

They couldn't do the work.

It didn't jive with what every other Tom, Dick and Harry (and Sue) was telling them.

But a segment of folks took hold.

Looked at things differently.

And have gotten great results.

I'll tell you about their results in a moment, but first, what's the difference?

What's the difference between what I do and what the other so-called gurus are teaching that plainly isn't working for you?

What I have discovered is that there is a "shadow world" online.

You see, there is what you see, what they tell you to do:

You know, a website, a product, a list, emails, then sell, sell, sell.

In theory, great.

And it looks good.

And it's even a part of what I do.

So it's not like it's wrong.

But that is only a small slice of what really makes you money online.

And the people making a million a year or more know it.

The so - called gurus know it, they just aren't sharing it.

And in fact, when I first got started teaching, I didn't know it to share, I was just teaching what I did.

But after awhile I began to realize this "shadow world" and what is different.

I studied what my most successful clients were doing.

I studied what people who were failing were doing.

And I realized there were some very specific things that people who became successful quickly were digging into and doing, and I began to teach that over the course of the last few years, with amazing results.

The real key here is that there is a "mindset" that is missing from most infobusiness training.

And it's not just one key mindset.

You need a whole basket of mindsets in order to succeed online:

A keen understanding of what your prospects WANT. Look, if your prospects don't WANT your training, they aren't going to buy it, and if they don't buy it, you are out of business, right?

You need to be able to create new products QUICKLY And EASILY. That is one of the keys to my success. The first 84 months I was online, I created about 84 products - about 1 product per month, and many months more than that (then I could take a month or 2 off from product creation) Without products you are dead in the water.

You need to understand "why" people come to your website, and what it takes to get new people to your website each month. Without new prospects each month, your business will probably fail.

You need to be able to eliminate distractions and focus relentlessly. That is one of my personal hot skills - I am able to laser focus on what's really important, and if you can't, you probably end up wasting a lot of time each day working on things that aren't important - and your success is the victim, you can't succeed if you can't focus.


And once I started teaching those key mindsets through very highly targeted training, my clients began to achieve amazing success!

Here are a few of the testimonials I have received:

Now, in order to teach these folks, I created an average of 2-3 hours of training each week, and clients would listen to this training and implement it.

Hour after hour, week after week, studying 2-3 hours of week of my training.

Some clients have likely studied 150-300 hours of my training, if not more.

And over the course of the last 7 years, I've created about 70 training programs and an estimated 700-1000 hours worth of training.

And right now you may be thinking, if I have to study 150-300 hours of training to become success using your "system" count me out.

And I get it.

You want it faster than that.

In fact, you want to make the change, make the curve in your business happen THIS MONTH, not in a year, right?

Now, here's the good news: I've taken the 700-1000 hours of training and distilled it down to the critical components, the ones that get my clients the most results the fastest.

You see, for a long time, I've had a sneaking suspicion that although those clients have studied and listened to 50-200 hours of my training in the process of internalizing and then implementing to get to $50k or $100k or $200k in revenue after learning from me, I've had a sneaking suspicion that the 80/20 rule - and specifically it's deeper cousin, the 64/4 rule - has been operating.

Meaning that I have believed that as few as 5-10 critical hours of life changing training buried in all the hours of study, have beeen the critical inflection points that incited the change that changed their life.

Kind of like you spend 2 years with someone and one hour of that time totally convinces you to spend the rest of your life with him or her.

Or like when you were growing up, you remember 5-10 key people or things that define your childhood.

Or the 5-10 memories of your college years that define your college time.

Or the 5-10 key memories of your marriage that drive how you see it.

Or the 5-10 key concepts you used in your full time business or job that defined whether you were really good or really ho-hum.

I believed that 5-10 key ideas, trainings, or principles were driving the bulk of the growth, but I didn't know what they were.

So I sent an email to my most successful clients and asked them.

And what they told me confirmed my deepest suspicions.

Almost everyone cited the EXACT SAME 5-10 key trainings!

Out of the hundreds of hours of training many of my clients may have been through, and certainly not everyone bought the same things - the same 5-10 key trainings were the drivers for success for my most successful clients, almost to a fault!

So I thought, what if I simply extracted THOSE 5-10 key trainings from the 700-1000 hours of training my highest level clients have been exposed to over the years - JUST THE MOST POWERFUL 5-10 KEY TRAININGS and had new clients study JUST THOSE TRAININGS instead of hundreds of hours of trainings, what would happen?

How about YOU?

Would YOU like to be part of a first-time ever BETA test of my proven, time-tested, 5-10 key trainings that have totally changed the lives of hundreds of clients in the past?

Would you like to get straight to the guts of my very best trainings, skip all the fluff, and take the next 10 days, listen to an hour a day and TOTALLY Change your life?

If so, I believe you are going to LOVE What I have put together.

Oh! You guessed it!

It's my 10 top, BEST OF THE BEST training tracks of all time.


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These are the tracks that have made the most success in my clients lives.

Here's what you'll learn with these top 10 Best of the Best From Sean Mize, from my best clients' words as they stated what made the most difference in working with me, studying these trainings:

--> A total overview of the most profitable online business model that works like crazy to generate the presence you need to get the credibility and sales you need

--> Exactly what to do each day of the week to get the results YOU want in your business

--> How to Structure your workload so that you aren't burned out and still get the work done you need to each week/day

--> How to Create a High End Reverse Funnel Business - Basing your business on high ticket coaching/consulting (even if you primarily sell low-ticket, just HAVING a high - ticket offer, even if you never enroll or selling anyone, lifts sales)

--> How to Write the Easiest Email Campaign You Can Ever Imagine - and Have it Get Results Like Crazy!

--> How to Create Your 10 x 10 Matrix For Your Business To Make Brainstorming Your Entire Business Super-Easy

--> High-Level Super-Tips on Creating New Products Fast (New Products Are the Lifeblood of Quick Cash Infusion in Your Business (Do you Need a Quick Cash Infusion?)

--> How to Create Massive Levels of Content in Just 30 Minutes a Day to Super-Charge SEO and Google Results

--> How to Eliminate Distractions So That You Can Focus Relentlessly (Is a Lack of Focus Holding You Back From Successs??)

--> How to Start a Coaching Program From Scratch (Complete With the Real-Life Example of How I Started My Own Coaching Program Back When I Didn't Have a Clue!)

--> How to Create a System That Gets Unlimited Traffic From The Web

--> And much, much more!!!

Now, as you are reading those topics, you might be thinking, the topics are generally boring.

They seem like, why do I need to learn that?

Cause the natural tendency in life is to want to learn the fancy stuff.

The fads.

The flashy stuff.

Kind of like older men after a mid-life crisis want arm candy.

Kind of like you might want a flashy necklace to make you look younger.

But deep down inside, that flash is just that . . . flash.

But what REALLY creates deep character and change in your personal life is foundational, core activity that cements you as a solid person.

Your business is like that.

It needs a solid core.

It needs to be able to write solid emails that change your clients' lives so they want to buy from you.

It needs to have a solid content foundation online.

It needs to have some other core principles in place.

YOU Need to have certain key working traits in place in order to succeed.

And by the way, some of these things are gonna hurt.

They're things other people don't want to tell you because they don't sell well.

They're things other people don't want to tell you because they KNOW you buy more when they sell flash, right?

You've bought based on flash before, and realized, too late, that it was flash-in-the-pan, right?

Now, here's the thing, I could jazz this up and tell you there's lots of flash and optimize conversion rates.

But I'm more concerned with YOU getting top results and FAST than I am conversion rates.

So there isn't any flash here.

I warn you when you read the bullet points, they are boring.

And if you allow dull, boring bullet points to hold you back from the success you desire, frankly, I feel for you.

And I know that something has to change in your core makeup before you will truly become successful online.

But let me say this, if you will dig deep, if you will leap with a little faith, trust a little of who you know me to be, and take the plunge, and simply LISTEN to these top 10 training tracks of all time, the BEST OF THE BEST from me, Sean Mize, your life will be changed.

I promise you.

I personally promise you that your life will be changed.

So much so, that if you listen to all 10 tracks and your life is NOT CHANGED, I will personally give you 3 times your money back.

And by the way, that's my only guarantee.

If you buy the training, listen to one hour or just simply decide you don't want them 5 minutes after you impulsively make a purchase, no dice, no refund.

I'm looking only for serious people to participate in this BETA study.

I only want you to invest today if you are ready to change your life and you are WILLING to dedicate 10 hours over the next 10 days to set things in motion to change your life forever.

If you are tired of the flash, tired of the sizzle, tired of the smoke-and-mirrors and totally ready to change your life, get started now!


Buy Now


Here's what some of my clients have said about how this training has changed their lives (these are copied from my email box):



And here's what folks said where the unifiying concepts that took them to the next level:



Now, here's the thing, these trainings are excerpted from an estimated $20,000 worth of training material, and some of my clients have invested that or close to it to learn this material.

But they've had to wade through hundreds of hours of training to get these gems.

So frankly, I believe these 10 hours of training are worth MORE than $20,000 in rock solid training and results.

Clients have gone to make $50k, $100k, even $200k after studying and implementing what's in these 10 hours of training.

And I've thought that the way to maximize success with this offer is to price it at $1000. Clients would value it more, work harder, and so on.

And I'd make $1000 a client.

But frankly, I don't want to maximize my revenue with this.

Instead, I want to get this into your hands.

So I've decided that instead of instead of $1000, instead of $20,000, I'm making this totally affordable . . . a single one-time payment of just $97 $37

That's right, just $37 for access TODAY to my highest level, time-tested, proven, life-changing, BEST OF THE BEST training from me, Sean Mize.


Buy Now


Now, perhaps at this time, you are sitting on the fence.

Do I want this, do I not?

Look, if you have read this entire letter, I believe you do.

You want to change your life, right?

If so, this is the step 1 key.

It's not everything.

To truly change your life, you need a mindset shift.

You need to take targeted specific action.

You need to get right with the King of the Universe if you aren't already.

You need to make things right in your personal relationships.

So this training isn't everything.

It's only the BEST OF THE BEST from Sean Mize.

That's it.

Are you ready for my best?

Right now, today?

Take the BETA challenge, get started today!