Watch Me Start a Brand New Non-IM Niche and Make My First $1000 in Sales Starting From Scratch (And You Can Copy as I Go!!!)
From: Sean Mize
To: Clients of Sean Mize:
Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .
How would it feel to be able to watch someone with 9 years of experience in the im niche, writing sales letters, creating products, determining needs, writing emails, launch into a non-im niche?
Do you ever get frustrated because you know the "steps" but when you try to do them, you get stuck because you can't see the entire process?
Or perhaps you want to launch in a non-im niche, but you can't figure out how the principles translate over?
Here's the thing, I've been planning to launch in a non-im niche for some time now, and I announced May 6th as the big day.
And today is the day, today is May 6th. So I'm going to do it today.
Now, the normal procedure when someone experienced launches in a new niche is to keep it secret, keep it hush-hush so no one can copy.
And in the long run, that's probably what I'll do.
I won't want everyone to see every split test, what's working for me, etc, because it will be like an industry secret to me.
And in the long run, just like I have done in the im niche, I will likely create 100 or more non-im niche trainings in the general area of my new niche, and as I launch and monetize each of those, I will likely keep those numbers secret.
But the process will likely be very similar to the one I use with the very first product, because it's the basic process I've used for years to launch probably 100 or more trainings.
So if you see me do it for the first one, you can copy what I do (but in YOUR niche) and test and tweak to get your results as well.
Now, because you may not have a list like I do (you should, really, but I don't want you to be disadvantaged if you don't) I've decided to buy all the traffic to make the first $1000 in sales. This way you can do the same thing.
Now, I am going to launch to my list - only for testing purposes and to fulfill what I said that I would do - launch on May 6th - but those sales won't count towards the $1000 in sales I'll do to show you how it's done.
100% of the sales I'll do to show you how I do this will be done by buying traffic. And the reason for that is that you may not have a list to mail to, so I want you to be able to start from scratch.
Now, perhaps you are thinking, but I don't want to invest in traffic.
And if that's the case, you'll have to start with your own list or grow much slower.
So frankly, I want to convince you to be willing to buy traffic to get started.
And when you see how I do it, how I invest money to get traffic, and then within a few days, that money is coming back to me in sales, and I'm building a list of buyers in my new niche, then you'll be able to gain confidence that you can do it too.
Let me ask you this: if you were confident that you could invest $1000 in traffic and in 20 days, you could take back in $2000, would it be worth it to you?
In fact, wouldn't that be a lot better than trying to do it all with "free" traffic that is really hard to get?
You see, with paid traffic, I can get 1000 visits in one day if I want to, and probably get 300 subscribers in that day, and with a few weeks, those 300 people should invest $2000 or more.
Now, it's not guaranteed.
And when I do this test, I can't guarantee what my ROI will be, or even if I will make a profit the first time around. But you will see the process I use, and you'll see the split testing I do, and I'll show you what I split test, and I'll show you how I write the sales letter, and you'll see screen shots of the money as it comes in, and I'll show you what I paid for it, and I'll show you the upsells and I'll show you what percentage buy each upsell.
How would it feel to see all that?
Even if you choose to use free traffic, organic traffic, article traffic, youtube traffic, you can apply my behind-the-scenes formula for the entire sales funnel, the split testing process, the subscriber-getting process - EVERYTHING to your "free" traffic funnel as well.
So at this point, you are either salivating at the chance to see how I do this . . . or you are not.
If you are not, this isn't for you.
Please don't invest in this "watch me" training.
Now, if you want to see how I do this, read on:
Here's how it will work:
I am going to show you the exact niche I am going into, and the exact product I am going to sell on the front end, plus 2 upsells.
I will show you where I am going to buy traffic (the exact sources, how I find them, how I buy them, everything)
And I'll tell you right now what the traffic source is going to be, so if you have an aversion to it, you can just close this page and forget about this right now!
It's solo ads.
And it's solo ads in my new niche, NOT im solo ads. So I believe they will be much more responsive.
But remember, this isn't a lame "I did this a year ago, here are the highlights so you can go do it too" (and then you have to figure out all the wrinkles)
This is going to be real-time.
So that means it will be messy.
I'll make mistakes.
Some things won't go right.
And that's actually what you WANT to see, right?
Because you are tired of buying trainings that only show you the smooth things, but when YOU do it, something goes wrong and you get stuck or lose money or worse and you don't know what to do.
You are going to see my actual solo ad stats - who I buy from, how much I pay, how many subscribers I get, how many buyers, what my ROI and profit is and so on.
Now, there are 2 more things I must share with you about this:
1) I am NOT going to show you HOW to do every little thing like how to create a squeeeze page, how to write a sales letter, how to create a download page, how to create a product. If you don't know how to do those things, you aren't ready for this training. You need to buy beginner training that teaches you how to do those things.
2) The way I am going to deliver this is going to be a pdf document where I will write out what I am doing and then I will include screenshots of each thing I do that is relevant to this project.
You'll get an update each day that I do work on this (so if I don't work on this project for 2 days, you won't get an update those days)
And you might be asking, ok, how many updates will I get?
I don't know.
It will go until I make the first $1000 in sales. That might be 3 days, it might be 30 days. It might be 3 updates, it might be 20 updates.
But I can tell you this: you'll see exactly what I do to get the money to come in.
Now, I can't promise I'll be in profit in the first $1000 in sales.
But let me ask you this, even if I spent $1000 to make $1000 in sales, and I built a buyers list of 100 new people in a new niche, and we know that I can mail a new offer to those subscribers every single week, and we know that I can continue to test and tweak to improve profit on future solo ad buys, then that would be valuable to see, right?
You see, your first mailing will probably not be profitable.
And so if you see that mine is, it will just mislead you on what YOU have to do.
You see, to make a long-term profit in a new niche, you have to test and tweak and test and tweak.
All that said, I believe you are going to be amazed at what you see and what you learn.
Are you ready to see it done, $1000 made in a brand new niche, from scratch, with no leads and no buyers in the new niche?
If so, let's get started.
Here's what you are going to see me do:
==> I am going to show you my new non-im niche
==> I am going to show you my new product sales letter
==> I am going to show you the split testing I do on it for the first $1000 in sales
==> I am going to show you how I find solo ad sellers in a non-im niche
==> I am going to show you the exact solos I buy, the price I pay, and who I buy them from
==> I am going to show you how many subscribers I get from each, how many buyers I get from each, and the exact upfront ROI for each
==> I am going to show you my entire upsell funnel and the sales made in it
==> I am going to show you the email campaign I write to make the first $1000 in sales
==> I am going to show you actual stats for investment and revenue and profit for the first $1000 in sales
Are you ready to see me do it?
Now, like I said, this starts TODAY. (And I'm writing this TODAY.) So you are literally getting to see how I take massive action. TODAY I am writing this letter.
TODAY is the day I am going to buy the first solo ads.
TODAY is the day I am going to probably make the first sales.
TODAY is the day I will write the first update.
You are going to see this in real-time and you can copy me as I go along if you want!
Now, what about the investment to watch me?
What would it be worth to you to see me do this?
Let's be honest, if you aren't planning to launch in a new niche, and invest $500 - $1000 of YOUR money, and then take in $1000 and then make another $1000 or $2000 in backend profit, it's probably not worth anything.
It would be like buying yet another bright shiny object that you do nothing with.
So if that's you, don't invest today.
But . . . if you have been struggling to get started, and you want to see how I start from scratch in a new niche, buy the initial traffic the first day, make the first $1000 in sales, and hopefully start making a profit right away (or at least be building a buyers list so that you can see that it will likely be profitable very quickly) then it might be worth a huge sum . . . .
Possibly as much as whatever you have ALREADY invested in learning how to build a business online but you've never seen it done so you haven't made a penny.
So if you've already invested $1000 online, this probably worth at least that.
If you've already invested $5000 online, this might be worth that (keep in mind, the last $5k you've spent went down the drain because you haven't been able to implement, with this you can just copy as you go!)
I have sold classes for $3997 before that taught much less than this.
So I believe I could charge $3000 - $5000 for this and limit it to 10 people similar to what I've done before.
But I want to be able to change 1000's of lives with this . . . . so instead I'm going to make this ridiculously affordable . . .
So instead of $1000
instead of $5000
you'll get to see me do every step of my launch and make the first $1000
for less than $50 (this price goes up each time someone buys, to a maximum of $50):
Now, perhaps you are thinking, ok, how do I know your track record, how do I know you can actually pull this off?
And that's a great question, so I'll tell you a bit about my track record:
When I first got started in this business online in 2006, I determined to drive my traffic through writing articles, and I've generated an estimated 100,000 or so through my first 25,000 articles published online:
Then I wrote a book about the virtual coaching process to show others how I was able to build a big coaching clientelle:
Then I set a goal of dominating the Warrior Forum last year, and I believe I did it:
(here is a screen shot of my 2014 W+ Sales):
I sold over $200k on the Warrior Forum in 2014, and this year I've already sold over $100k there:
I only show these to you to show you that I've been there, done that, and I have to experience to pull this off.
And when you invest today, you'll see me do it, practically in real time.
Are you ready to watch me generate $1000 in a brand - new niche, starting today?
If so, let's get you enrolled!
So, as a review, here's what you are going to see me do:
==> I am going to show you my new non-im niche
==> I am going to show you my new product sales letter
==> I am going to show you the split testing I do on it for the first $1000 in sales
==> I am going to show you how I find solo ad sellers in a non-im niche
==> I am going to show you the exact solos I buy, the price I pay, and who I buy them from
==> I am going to show you how many subscribers I get from each, how many buyers I get from each, and the exact upfront ROI for each
==> I am going to show you my entire upsell funnel and the sales made in it
==> I am going to show you the email campaign I write to make the first $1000 in sales
==> I am going to show you actual stats for investment and revenue and profit for the first $1000 in sales
Are you ready to see me do it?
It starts today, so if you want to see me do it in real time, get in now: