Discover the Complete $100k Info-Entrepreneurs Formula - That Gets You Total Lifestyle Freedom
From: Sean Mize
To: Clients of Sean Mize:
Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .
Are you trying to build an info business but you are stuck?
Are you struggling to get your first 1000 followers or "tribe members"?
Are you struggling to make that first $1000 online?
Do you want to change the world with one great idea, but you just don't know how to get started, how to create the platform and the initial traffic, emails, and products?
If so, you need a world-changing idea, then you need a traffic platform where people can come to you and get to know you, then you need an email campaign, then you find out what they need and either promote affiliate programs that meet those needs, or, better yet, over time, create your own products.
That's the formula.
You've probably heard it before.
It's probably in every basic info-training you've ever bought.
The problem is, those entry-level training programs only skim those issues.
So you think you know what to do and how to do it to get the traffic you need, write the emails you need, and create the products you need.
But you are missing something, aren't you?
Because if you weren't missing some component parts, you wouldn't be reading this.
Here's the thing, there's a solid model that works.
It's worked for me for years (I've been full-time online, with a fulltime income, since January of 2007)
I haven't changed the formula.
Russell Brunson uses it (it's in his Click Funnels Training)
Dan Kennedy used it.
Dave Dee uses it.
Perry Marshall is using it in his new 80/20 marketing system promotion
Marlon Sanders used it.
Ryan Lee uses it.
Ryan Levesque uses it.
Ryan Deiss uses it.
Perry Belcher uses it.
And many, many more people.
in fact, just about ANYONE making $100k online uses the formula.
it's simple, and it works everytime.
Now, here's the thing, it's easy to miss these folks using the formula, because you are always focused on whatever it is they are selling, thinking that THAT is the key . . .
Russell Brunson, funnels
Perry Belcher, tripwires
Dan Kennedy, high ticket consulting
Ryan Levesque, million dollar funnels
Perry Marshall, work an hour a day
And it's easy to think, ok, I just need a funnel, or I just need a tripwire, or I just need to add high ticket consulting, or worse yet, I just need to ADD THEM ALL and then I will get rich.
But it doesn't work that way.
They are ALL making their money using this basic formula.
And each just adds in one or two unique things that they like, that resonate with them.
But it's the formula that gets you there.
Now, I've taught the parts to the formula before.
One at a time, here and there, some to coaching clients, some to groups, some for special trainings, and so on.
Because I've looked for ways to offer what small groups of clients needed at that time.
But finally, after long last, I've created a training programs that teaches you step by step how to build your $100k business from the ground up:
The Complete $100k Info-Entrepreneurs Formula
You'll discover my secret traffic system, the easiest way to write a 30 day email campaign in just 10 minutes a day, the easiest way to create products, the easiest way to write sales letters - in short, you'll discover everything you need to build a $100k business.
But here's the thing, if you buy this training today, and don't study it - and you do nothing with it - you won't make a penny.
And in fact, if you buy it, I want you to just study this for the next week. Don't buy anything else for 7 days.
Learn this model.
Imprint it on your mind.
And if you'll do that, you'll be amazed at what can happen.
I have a client who was making $200 a month a year ago and now she is at $2000 a month.
Another client came to me making $30k and one year later was at $90k a year.
I could go on and on, but I won't, I don't want you persuaded by the money.
What I wish I COULD do is persuade you to stop chasing the fads, the smoke and mirrors, the "just use retargeting" or "just buy solo ads" or "just use facebook" or "just use (whatever today's fad is)
I wish I could persuade you right now, right here, that none of those fads will work for you until and unless you have a platform of people who like and trust you.
I created mine at ezinearticles with 25,000 articles, one client of mine has done it at youtube with 100+ videos and is making over $100k, I know one person who is getting around 1000 visits a month from facebook and all he does is post a link to a new article in about 20 facebook accounts!
You MUST create a platform of people who know, like, and trust you.
Seth Godin calls is your tribe.
Build your tribe.
Write them a daily email.
Find out what they want.
Sell it to them.
Make $1 t0 $2 per subscriber per month (on the low end, I've been in this business for nearly 10 years and I'm up to about $6 per subscriber per month, but don't expect that right away. You have to get good, really practice before that kind of thing happens).
Ok, enough of my rambling.
Here's what you'll get in this powerful training:
--> The exact business model I personally use and almost anyone making $100k a year uses
--> The exact traffic platform method I personally use and my most successful clients use to get the traffic they need
--> My personal method of eliminating distractions so I can focus relentlessly on success and my goals
--> The most amazing way to create content and products fast - in just 30 minutes a day!
--> A total overview of the most profitable online business model that works like crazy to generate the presence you need to get the credibility and sales you need
--> Exactly what to do each day of the week to get the results YOU want in your business
--> How to Structure your workload so that you aren't burned out and still get the work done you need to each week/day
--> How to Create a High End Reverse Funnel Business - Basing your business on high ticket coaching/consulting (even if you primarily sell low-ticket, just HAVING a high - ticket offer, even if you never enroll or selling anyone, lifts sales)
--> How to Write the Easiest Email Campaign You Can Ever Imagine - and Have it Get Results Like Crazy!
--> How to Create Your 10 x 10 Matrix For Your Business To Make Brainstorming Your Entire Business Super-Easy
--> High-Level Super-Tips on Creating New Products Fast (New Products Are the Lifeblood of Quick Cash Infusion in Your Business (Do you Need a Quick Cash Infusion?)
--> How to Create Massive Levels of Content in Just 30 Minutes a Day to Super-Charge SEO and Google Results
--> How to Eliminate Distractions So That You Can Focus Relentlessly (Is a Lack of Focus Holding You Back From Successs??)
--> How to Start a Coaching Program From Scratch (Complete With the Real-Life Example of How I Started My Own Coaching Program Back When I Didn't Have a Clue!)
--> How to Create a System That Gets Unlimited Traffic From The Web
--> And much, much more!!!

Here's a review of everything you'll discover:
--> The exact business model I personally use and almost anyone making $100k a year uses
--> The exact traffic platform method I personally use and my most successful clients use to get the traffic they need
--> My personal method of eliminating distractions so I can focus relentlessly on success and my goals
--> The most amazing way to create content and products fast - in just 30 minutes a day!
--> A total overview of the most profitable online business model that works like crazy to generate the presence you need to get the credibility and sales you need
--> Exactly what to do each day of the week to get the results YOU want in your business
--> How to Structure your workload so that you aren't burned out and still get the work done you need to each week/day
--> How to Create a High End Reverse Funnel Business - Basing your business on high ticket coaching/consulting (even if you primarily sell low-ticket, just HAVING a high - ticket offer, even if you never enroll or selling anyone, lifts sales)
--> How to Write the Easiest Email Campaign You Can Ever Imagine - and Have it Get Results Like Crazy!
--> How to Create Your 10 x 10 Matrix For Your Business To Make Brainstorming Your Entire Business Super-Easy
--> High-Level Super-Tips on Creating New Products Fast (New Products Are the Lifeblood of Quick Cash Infusion in Your Business (Do you Need a Quick Cash Infusion?)
--> How to Create Massive Levels of Content in Just 30 Minutes a Day to Super-Charge SEO and Google Results
--> How to Eliminate Distractions So That You Can Focus Relentlessly (Is a Lack of Focus Holding You Back From Successs??)
--> How to Start a Coaching Program From Scratch (Complete With the Real-Life Example of How I Started My Own Coaching Program Back When I Didn't Have a Clue!)
--> How to Create a System That Gets Unlimited Traffic From The Web
--> And much, much more!!!

P.S., here are a few more testimonials from folks who have worked with me:
