I'm Retiring From the Warrior Forum - Your Own InfoBusiness Empire- Get Private Label Resale Rights To ALL My WSOS ! For 7 Days Only . . . |
From: Sean Mize
To: Clients of Sean Mize:
Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .
As you may know, one of my primary goals the last couple of years has been Warrior Forum Domination. I entered the Warrior Forum as a test, I've

Are you struggling to create a business from scratch, or you have a few products and just can't create an "empire" out of it?
Are you frustrated because you are trying to gain traction in a rough market (the im market is one of the most competitive and most difficult markets - although highly lucrative) and you just wish there were an easier way?
Or are you trying to build a big business and you need a real kickstart?
If so, you are not alone, in fact, my guess is that most people who are trying to get an im business of the ground want to build an empire fast.
But the thing is, let me call it like it is - it's not easy. Period. Not easy.
And building my wso business has not been easy, and it's taken several years to get to the point that each wso typical does 300-500 sales or more (and gets me lots of new subscribers each time)
Have you ever thought, I wish I had an info business empire . . . you know, a business with 50-100 products of your own?
But you don't know how to do it, can't think of 50 - 100 topics, etc?
or you wouldn't know what to put in each product?
How would it feel to simply copy my own info business empire, product after product after product, take one product, listen and re-record as your own?
Or even just add some training of your own, and repackage as your own training?
You can do all that (and much more) with this special offer:
What if you had access to every single WSO I've ever created, and you could do anything you wanted with it?
You could repackage each one, one week at a time, and sell it on jvzoo under a different name.
You could take each one, break it into smaller components, and sell them all on udemy under different names.
You could re-release them as clickbank products.
Create your own line of products on your own website, you could create a 10bucks.com or a 7bucks.com or a cheapimtraining.com type of site.
I could go on and on with ideas. Maybe you are having some of your own ideas right now as well.
Now, I'll be honest with you, up until now I was NEVER willing to do something like this.
I just didn't want to lose control of these products, you know, it's like "my baby". I'm proud of 10 wsos, people look up to me, people ask me for advice about doing wsos, frankly, it makes me feel good.
So I haven't been willing to let go.
But I'm gonna be straight-up honest with you about something.
Next week my wife and I want to pay cash for a new car for her mom. So I'm motivated to make a killer deal with you to make it super-easy for you to get access to every WSO I've created, so you can do what you want with them.
You'll get download access to EVERY WSO I've ever released.
I don't know exactly how many there are, this list is the master list from Warrior Plus, but some of those are the same one a few times over, as upsells.
(You'll get all the upsells as well):

You'll get every WSO - even the ones that are discontinued, that I no longer care to sell, even the ones I DON'T WANT to have out there anymore - like my 60 coaching program lesson series, my coaching program sales letter, my email campaigns, you can read the list.
Now, here's the way I'm going to do this:
You'll get all the original download pages. They aren't pretty, many are on a wordpress site, so you can't just copy and paste the source code to get the download page. You'll have to download each product on your server and re-create a download page for each one.
If you aren't willing to do that, don't get this package. It's not for you.
Note again: this is NOT copy-and-paste easy. If you are a beginner looking for a copy-and-paste solution this is NOT for you.
But - if you are willing to put some real work into re-releasing these on other channels - like jvzoo, clickbank, or udemy, or other learning sites out there - this can be the backbone of your business for the next year, if you want it.
Now, what about the price?
Each of these wsos sold for between $7 and $17 and the upsells between about $8 and $30-ish
Let's say there are 50 unique front-ends at just $7 - retail is $350
And let's say there are 30 unique backends at maybe $12 average - that's $360 retail.
So a total of $710 if you bought everyone early on in the funnel. That's with no rights.
Rights normally sell in the im world for about 3x the retail price - so you'd be looking at about $2130 - at the low end - to get all these wsos WITH unlimited plr-style resale rights
And I believe it would still be worth it - let me say this, I've thought for a long time about re-releasing all these on jvzoo, one at a time -
And if you did it - it would be worth every penny of $2130!
But . . . instead of selling all this to one buyer for $2130, I've decided to make this a WSO special offer in itself -
So for a limited time of just 7 days - I'm starting this out at less than $200 - that's right - just $200 for all my WSOS worth over $2130 -
And each time someone buys, the price goes up by 10 cents - so if you want this, and you want it at the best price, get it now:
Now, here are some terms, these are non-negotiable, and if you aren't comfortable with these, please don't buy this:
1) There are no refunds, period.
2) There are also no refunds, period, on any WSO you've bought already (this is an incredible deal, period. And if you buy $2130 worth of WSOS for $200, then want a refund on the last 2 wsos you bought for $8 each, that is just plain old nitpicky. If this isn't worth $200 to you right now, regardless of what you've invested with me so far, just don't buy it. It's not fair to everyone else.
3) Reminder: the download pages are mostly on a wordpress site, they aren't zipped, copyable, etc. You WILL have to download each item and put it on your server to resell. If you aren't willing to do this, DON'T buy this package (there are no refunds for any reason)
4) This relates to the bonus below: The sales letters are not real organized. Most of them are on text files, they are the uneditted BB code I used to write them on the forum. They are not all easily named - meaning that you will be guessing on a few of them which sales letter they are (I don't even know what some of them are anymore! If you have a big business, and you aren't an organized accounting type, you know what I mean. Ever forget where an article is that you wrote??? ha ha! laughs on me - but just know, you're getting my mess with these salesletters!)
Most of the upsells are on html pages, but you'll have to use the source code to access the code, they are all over the place and not zipped -
So, if you have gotten through all the caveats, it's still a good deal for you, get this for everything it's worth:
and like I said earlier - here's the bonus:
You get all the sales letters that I have for all these wsos (there may be 3 or 4 that I don't have any more, forgot to save, etc. I don't know which ones there are. But there are probably sales letters for 90% or more of these).
I have no idea how much value this is - but if you say each sales letter is worth $200 to write - with say 70 sales letters - that is $14,000 in sales letter value you can copy, use as is, steal for your own use, whatever.
Resell the sales letters - I don't care!
So that brings the total value of this package up to $16,130 -
and you get it all today for just:
Now, keep in mind, this sale will go for just 7 days, then I pull it. If this is something you want to do, now is the time to get in:

Here's a quick review of what you'll discover in this powerful training:
-->You get all the sales letters that I have for all these wsos (there may be 3 or 4 that I don't have any more, forgot to save, etc. I don't know which ones there are. But there are probably sales letters for 90% or more of these). (About 70 sales letters all together)
-->You get all my WSOS (an estimated 50 frontends and an estimated 30 backens) for a total of about 80 WSOS
--> The WSOs are worth $2130 or more
--> The salesletters are worth $14,000 or more
For 7 days, I'm running a WSO - special offer on this entire package, the price goes up each time someone buys, the current price is:

And if for some reason at this point, you are still thinking, "I just don't know. I've never bought one of Sean's wsos, I have no idea the value . . . :" That makes sense. Don't buy this now. Instead, find one of my wsos and buy it. See if you like what I do. Decide to buy or not buy. No big deal. Really. Chalk this up to a fun read.
For everyone else, if you even have an inkling of an idea of what you could do with 50 frontends and 30 backends - most with sales letters - just buy it!!!
That's all for now, signing off now -
Sean Mize
P.S., like I said, I don't want to brag, that's not my style, but if you don't know me personally, you might want to read some of these testimonials about me:
