Each is around 4,800 words.... ebook-sized...
Crafted by the now-famous Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank.
These are hefty, meaty full-length reports.... that you can break up into multiple installments, use to build your own authority site, and more (see 20 ways below)!
Titles you'll receive instantly are:
Accountability Partner
Advanced List-Building Techniques
Bare Essence Copywriting Part 1
Bare Essence Copywriting Part 2
Creating Lots of Content Quickly
Creating a Responsive E-mail List
How to Get a Flood of Good Ideas
How to Overcome Negative Conditioning
How to Sell Solutions Instead of Products
Killer Openers in Sales Letters
Success in 20 Minutes
The Glory of Grunt Work
The Proper Internet Marketing Mind State
What to Do When Starting at Ground Zero
Your First 100 Dollar Day
But that's not all. To thoroughly round out this Monster IM Authority PLR package, you'll ALSO receive this over the top bonus:
Over the past few years, Sean Mize generated tons of quality marketing content....
And we've not only picked out some of his BEST....
These reports vary in length, but average over 6,000 words each!
Topics include:
How to Double Your Email Campaign Conversion Rates
The Big Business Viral Traffic Training
Optimizing for a High-Value Sales Funnel
Information Marketing A-Z Truth and Lies
How to Use Content Marketing to Create 1,000 to 40,000 Pieces of Prospect - Attracting Online Content Per Year
How to Choose A Niche
How to Create YouTube Videos Fast to Drive Massive Traffic
Why You Should Add a Coaching Program to Your Product Lineup
How to Increase Profit
To help you get started on the right track, Barb Ling has put together this gem, showing how you can turn this specific content into profits, quickly and easily, in multiple ways. This guide alone is quite possibly worth the price of the entire bundle, believe it or not!
Just imagine that....
Instead of you having to spend literally months if not years mastering
evergreen IM topics....
You'll have the work already done for you, waiting for you to slap
your name as the author and begin branding yourself!
Think how much time that will save!
But that's not all.
It's very simple...
Every day... simply add one more lesson.
And let paid subscribers know that each day, they could
expect brand new quality training...
And what if you charged $10/month for basic....
$37/month for premium...
And if you achieved only 10 new members a month...
At the price you're investing today, you'll be in profit in your first month alone!
Just imagine how much passive income would flow in every month!
Still on the fence?
Not to fear...
Add it into a paid membership site - Charge a monthly fee!
Add links and articles to the products - increase commissions on sales -
Add your byline to the products - share with other bloggers to create quality backlinks and traffic.
Brand everything as yours - increase your authority.
Combine all the content - Create pillar content blog post.
Convert the content into podcasts - Profit from that medium
Convert the product chapters into podcasts - Create your own show
Create a coaching program from the material - and charge premium.
Create a monthly paid newsletter - Add it as an upsell
Create a webinar from the content - pitch a mid-ticket related affiliate product.
Create lead magnets from the content - build your email list!
Create videos based on the material - upload them to all video sharing sites.
Develop a members only portal - Provide special training and charge a monthly fee.
Establish yourself as THE authority of choice - Build your rep
Make an eBook out of segments of the content - sell it and keep 100% of profits.
Monetize everything with your own specific affiliate links - share online.
Translate the material to a foreign language - create an authority site in those languages
Turn each chapter into a video article - Create video series
Use it as niche training in your seminars or webinars - Charge premium
Use it on your authority sites - Build individual brand
Use it to train your VAs - profit faster!
So let us now ask you...
Are you imagining that?
Ready-made quality content...
Most of it never before released....
Available to you within 30 seconds of purchasing....
And what you'll receive!
You will receive all of the source files packaged neatly in .docx format.... Note: Can be opened in MS Word, Apple Pages, Open Office or Libre Office, etc.
And all you have to do is pick/choose from what topics you want to share...
And then simply copy and paste them to your blog, membership site, articles, etc. ...
And when you finally see your reputation growing...
That would make you feel so good, wouldn't it?
Okay, here's the thing, this is powerful stuff!
This will:
Drastically shorten the time to increase your authority online buy buttons up!
Provide you with over a YEAR's worth of content you can use as you choose
If that wasn't enough, you'll also receive this:
Listen: We don’t care if it’s one hour from now, or 3 weeks from now – if you aren’t happy, we are not happy.
Purchase right now. Check it out. If you like it, great! We exchanged a small amount of money for a large amount of value. Awesome!
If it’s not for you, don’t even give us a reason why you want your money back.
Just ask for it – and it will be returned promptly and quietly to you.
What's getting the premiere, never before released 235,000 words of content
from four veteran, multiple Deal of the Day winning Marketers....
...worth to you?
We could easily price this at $497, and we might well do
that on our InfoBusinessUniversity site in the future,
but for pre-launch, we're running it at wso-pricing which means 2 things:
1) price starts low
2) price goes up after EACH sale
So, if you want to get the jump on your competitors
starting TODAY....
Get it now!
Sure, you could ignore this and walk away but where will you be then?
Still spinning your wheels...
Go with your gut and make things happen today!
-- Barb and Dennis
PS: I know that right now you might be thinking about just waiting on these . . .
We suggest you don't.
Here's why:
As you can see, this is special WSO pricing . . . .and it's going up every time one of your competitors buys.
Don't miss out - price is rising wth every sale!
Click HERE To Get Quick Content Mastery Volume 1!
No thanks Barb and Dennis, but what about...
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