If Sean Mize were to personally plan a $10 Million Dollar Year - even if it felt crazy and unbelievable . . . would you want to know the $10 Million Plan Anyhow?
From: Sean Mize
To: Clients of Sean Mize:
Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .
Before I tell you about my own $10 Million Dollar Business Plan, I'd like to ask you a few questions:
Are you frustrated because you are trying to build a big business online but it feels like you are just spinning your wheels, trying this, trying that, nothing working?
Are you working too much, trying too hard, and finding yourself chasing every new bright shiny object that comes along?
Or do you want to build a much bigger business - like in the millions - but you can't see how that's possible when you are stuck at your current income level and you don't see a way up???
If so, you may appreciate what I'm going to share with you.
I've put together a plan to generate $10 Million Dollars in One Year using the same simple methods I've been using and teaching . . . with one key difference: scaling with efficiency
and yes, I know it sounds unbelievable (and it may be) and crazy and too much to take on . . .
First, let me share a little about when I got started online . . . when I first got started online, I studied the folks who were making $1 million or more online, and I formulated my business model based on what they were doing.
And I started slow - my first month I think I made $60, my 2nd month was about $120 (a real slow start) - then things began to pick up when I wrote my first ebook, and did about $900 my 3rd month. The next month, another book and $1600 in revenue, then I learned how to leverage other people's lists and my 5th month I did $3840, and finally my 6th month online I did about $5540 (when I launched my first coaching program). By my 13th month I a $13k month, I went on to write a book on my virtual coaching system, Anyone Can Coach, which is still selling and helping clients get results.
When I got to about $500k in revenue, my life took a turn, my health began to slide, relationships deteriorated, my mom got sick, and I had to take a step back, and start doing things differently.
Before that point I was working 40-50 hours a week, and when I say working, I was driving myself to the bone.
So 2 years ago I cut my hours back to about 15 hours a week - and my revenue dropped only a little (and my take-home income stayed about the same).
I began to outsource more, do things more efficiently, eliminate things that aren't productive (even if the gooroos say you should do them), and in the last couple of months I've been down to about 10 hours of work - but I'm ready to take things to a new level.
But I don't want to work MORE - instead, I want to take what I've learned in the last 2 years about productivity and managing systems remotely and hiring folks etc. and take things to an entirely new level.
You see, my goal and dream with this business is to empower folks to make a full time living online, and do it reasonably.
I want to see folks make $100k a year in 20 hours a week.
And much of what I've focused on the last 2 years has been putting systems into place to get folks to that place.
All of that to say - I'm setting a strong ideal for the next stage of my business life.
You see, I've studied what I'm doing now in 10 hours a week to generate $400k - $500k in revenue - and I realize that with a few tweaks, and by hiring the right folks to do the right things -
my current knowledge and ability with allow me to generate . . .
$10 Million Dollars in a year
Now, you may not believe that.
Sometimes I might pinch myself.
And maybe I'm wrong.
And perhaps right now you are ready to close this page.
You don't want to hear about pipe dreams, fantasies, or anything like that.
And I get it.
Remember, I started this business s . . . l . . . o. . . .w
I shared the numbers above.
I've been very conservative in my growth path.
I've held things back.
I've built systems, written books, recorded over 1000 hours of training
and dozens of folks are out there doing what I do, making good money.
But now I'm ready to scale things up.
Take what I know and what I love and what can change lives
And scale up to a much higher level.
The goal is $10 million dollars.
Now, I'm not planning on talking a lot about that number in the future.
No one really needs to know how much I make.
What is mosts important is how many lives I can impact.
But let me ask you this, would you like to see my $10 million blueprint?
Even if you think I've lost my mind, would you want to know how I think I can do it?
How I think it can be done?
If so, I'd like to invite you to enroll to come to my first live training in some time now, on Tuesday December 22nd at 2 PM ET
I'm going to reveal my $10 million blueprint
Now, before you decide to come,
I want to say this:
--> I can't guarantee the blueprint works
--> If you aren't a dreamer AND an implementer, this isn't for you
--> If you are stuck in your old ways, and want to continue chasing your tail doing the same things you've been doing, this isn't for you
--> If you aren't willing to open your mind to some new ways of seeing things . . . this isn't for you
This isn't for you if you don't have the creative ability - or someone creative in your life who believes in you - to alter the blueprint to meet your needs.
If you can't suspend your current reality of failing at $5k a month - or $10k a month - then this will be a waste of your time.
But if you are curious
If you are thinking, what if I can take Sean's $10 million dollar plan and simply scale it down to $1 million or even $100k . . .
This might change your life!
Here's what I'm going to share:
--> The concept behind the scaling of a business from 1/2 million to $10 million
--> The concept of making less per subscriber instead of more per subscriber, to aid scaling and growth
--> The numbers that will add up to $10 million
--> The key parts of the business that have to be focused on and worked on
--> My own hiring plan and why I believe it will work
--> Some of my anticipated pitfalls and challenges
--> The $10 Million Dollar Blueprint!
So, if this excites you, if you are willing to suspend your current reality for one hour, come join me
On Tuesday (December 22nd) at 2 PM ET and I'm going to reveal the ENTIRE $10 million dollar business model.
This is going to be like real-life expose, an amazing revelation to you!
When you finish with me at the end of the call, you will be jazzed up like never before, ready to create your own income blueprint and change people's lives, and do it with less effort than you've perhaps ever imagined.
Now, here's the thing, this is powerful, it will change the way you build your infobusiness, and you can start immediately.
I am going to blow the lid off of the infobusiness world - and it may never be the same after this! And YOU can begin immediately!
You will be blown away by the advanced methods I have discovered with building your infobusiness to be profitable and so that you can set huge goals and see where they take you!
Yes, YOU CAN build your dream business fast and start selling right away!
Now, I could probably charge $297 for this training, and it would be worth every penny and more, I truly believe that. But I want this to be a no-brainer for you, you don't have to ask your wife, you don't have to ask your husband, you don't have to dwell on this and wonder if you can afford it- it's rock solid low-priced because I want EVERYONE to be able to come and build a real info business right away, but if this low-price doesn't convert, I may raise the price immediately and without notice, so if you want to grab access to this powerful training at the lowest price possible, just get in now:

Here's a quick review of what you'll discover on this powerful live training:
--> The concept behind the scaling of a business from 1/2 million to $10 million
--> The concept of making less per subscriber instead of more per subscriber, to aid scaling and growth
--> The numbers that will add up to $10 million
--> The key parts of the business that have to be focused on and worked on
--> My own hiring plan and why I believe it will work
--> Some of my anticipated pitfalls and challenges
--> The $10 Million Dollar Blueprint!
This is going to be like real-life expose, an amazing revelation to you!
When you finish with me at the end of the call, you will be jazzed up like never before, ready to create your own income blueprint and change people's lives, and do it with less effort than you've perhaps ever imagined.
Now, here's the thing, this is powerful, it will change the way you build your infobusiness, and you can start immediately.
I am going to blow the lid off of the infobusiness world - and it may never be the same after this! And YOU can begin immediately!
You will be blown away by the advanced methods I have discovered with building your infobusiness to be profitable and so that you can set huge goals and see where they take you!
Yes, YOU CAN build your dream business fast and start selling right away!
Now, I could probably charge $297 for this training, and it would be worth every penny and more, I truly believe that. But I want this to be a no-brainer for you, you don't have to ask your wife, you don't have to ask your husband, you don't have to dwell on this and wonder if you can afford it- it's rock solid low-priced because I want EVERYONE to be able to come and build a real info business right away, but if this low-price doesn't convert, I may raise the price immediately and without notice, so if you want to grab access to this powerful training at the lowest price possible, just get in now:

P.S. yes, I'm including 3 unadvertised bonuses (that means I'm not telling you what they are, but they will give you the background to come to the call super-prepared with background)
P.S., like I said, I don't want to brag, that's not my style, but if you don't know me personally, you might want to read some of these testimonials about me:
