Watch me Get 100,000 Visits to My Websites in 7 Days
From: Sean Mize
To: Clients of Sean Mize:
Are you frustrated because the one thing holding you back from making sales is you just don't have the traffic?
Are you struggling to get the traffic you need to grow your business?
Do you sometimes feel like you want to pull your hair out because you just can't figure out traffic?
If so, I believe this will change things for you.
What kind of difference would it make if you could SEE someone generate 100,000 visits in 7 days?
And you could SEE where all the visits came from
and you could see the exact sources, you could go to the same places he did to get the traffic
and what if you could see the exact conversion rates of EACH TRAFFIC SOURCE
to optins AND purchases?
Seriously, if you could SEE someone else get 100,000 visits, see exactly where he gets them and EVEN THE EXACT squeeze page that works like clockwork . . .
You could copy right along, right?
If so, you are going to love this:
I'm going to do just that . . .
I'm going to generate 100,000 visits in 7 days
and track each source for optins and for sales
Here's the thing, I've been very successful in my business, and I've learned what to do to see back-ends convert.
God has blessed my business amazingly in the last 1o years.
And I've learned what works and what doesn't
I have a high-converting funnel
A strong record of client retention
And it's time to scale that to unimaginable levels
The first thing I'm going to do is mass out traffic
From a minimum of 20 sources
100k visits in 7 days
This will be a big test
Let's say 15 of the sources don't convert like they should
That's okay
The following week I can scale the 5 good sources to 100k visits - of the good sources
And I'll know what they are from the first week's test
But instead of maybe breaking even like I did the first week
now with proven traffic sources, I generate a profit the next week
And then I can re-invest that profit back both into those traffic sources AND a few new ones
Once again, testing all the way to see the optin conversion rate and the sales conversion rate
Maybe 200k visits the 3rd week
Maybe 300k the 5th week
and so on
But it all starts with the first big test - 100k visits in 7 days
You'll see my sources, you'll see my real-world results, what works and what doesn't.
Which sources convert.
And which don't.
Here's how it's going to work:
I'm planning to use a minimum of 20 traffic sources to get to 100k visits in 7 days.
I'm willing to invest $1000 to do this and split the $1000 between the 20 traffic sources, so on average each sources runs me $50 (although some will be less, some more)
So if you see a source you like - you can get started with your OWN traffic to YOUR membership offer or optin page - for an average of $50 per source
And if you choose to follow along, you'll see the 100k visits and the conversion rates, here's how it will work:
For each of the 7 days, I'm going to create a document showing you the traffic sources I used that day, how many optins I got from each source, how many sales from each source - you are going to see the data just like I do
==>You'll see the offer I use with the traffic sources
==> And the conversion rate per source
==> You'll see how many subscribers I get per source
==> You'll see how many buyers I get for each source
==> You'll see how profitable each source is
==> In short, you'll see all the data - source, conversion, results - for each traffic source, for 100,000 visits!
==> You'll develop the confidence to say, yes, I want to try some of these sources and do them the EXACT way Sean does . . .
Plus you are going to see some unique combinations of selling sequences . .
Things like me sending traffic to a youtube videos with tracking,
sending traffic to lifehack + ezinearticles --> and testing conversion to leads and sales based on source
I promise if you watch this for 7 days
you'll have a brand new understanding about traffic
and you'll have many ideas you can use in your business to drive visits, subscribers and even paying members in your programs
Now, the planned start is in 3 days, and when you get in now you'll get in at the lowest price (this goes to $50 when I start this live) and you'll get to see all 7 days exactly as they come out -
Now, I'm testing a super-low price to start, after the first 10 sales the price goes up, please don't skip this then say I missed the super-low price:
Super-low price for first-responders:

Here's a quick review of what's going to happen:
During 7 days, I am going to generate 100k visits online.
For each of the 7 days, I'm going to create a document showing you the traffic sources I used that day, how many optins I got from each source, how many sales from each source - you are going to see the data just like I do
==>You'll see the offer I use with the traffic sources
==> And the conversion rate per source
==> You'll see how many subscribers I get per source
==> You'll see how many buyers I get for each source
==> You'll see how profitable each source is
==> In short, you'll see all the data - source, conversion, results - for each traffic source, for 100,000 visits!
==> You'll develop the confidence to say, yes, I want to try some of these sources and do them the EXACT way Sean does . . .
Here's the thing, right now you may be struggling in your info business because you have training and you have a membership - but you just don't have the traffic to go big.
But imagine what happens when you can SEE how a 10 year veteran of the business confidently generates 100,000 visits in 7 days!
If I can do it, I'll show you the traffic sources, the optin pages, and the results . . .
And you simply copy what I do - YOU CAN DO IT TOO
Perhaps you've been sidelined in this business because you just don't know how to get the traffic you want . .
Now you can see me do it -
The planned start is in 3 days and when you get in now you'll get in at the lowest price (this goes to $50 when I start this live) and you'll get to see all 7 days exactly as they come out -
Now, I'm testing a super-low price to start, after the first 10 sales the price goes up, please don't skip this then say I missed the super-low price:
Super-low price for first-responders:

When you follow along and see not only my traffic sources but how I test and adjust and drop sources and add new ones and you see the conversions it will change your life.
When you begin driving your own traffic to your own profitable membership, it will change your way of life.
And when you master this business, it will create an amazing freedom . . . are you ready to take your life and your business to the next level?
If so, don't hesitate - just get in now!
-- To your success,
Sean Mize