Get 150,000 + words of rock-solid content you can use as fire-starter for your membership lessons? |
From: Sean Mize
To: Clients of Sean Mize:
Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .
(For those who don't know me, I don't mean to brag or anything like that, but if you don't know me, you may be wondering, who is this guy? I'm the Sean Mize of: Ezinearticles, the author of: Anyone Can Coach, and this youtube channel: Youtube Channel, among other places online (just google me to find more)
Are you frustrated because you want to build an im-niche membership but you draw a blank slate when trying to think of what to teach?
Are you irritated because you want to create a daily lesson, but don't know what to teach?
Are you sick and tired of spinning your wheels, trying to start from scratch, and let's face it, it just doesn't work?
If so, I understand.
You see, it's not easy starting from scratch.
You know what the people need in your niche: they need step by step training to DO what they want to do.
BUT . . .
What's happening right now in your life is that you are trying to do something small, start small, peddle $10 affiliate products but you keep hoping (cause the gooroos are fueling your fire) that these tiny little actions will get you big success.
I beg to differ.
(Yes, sometimes I am contrary)
Sure, success comes one small step at a time.
But not if those steps don't add up.
And let's face it, if piddly little affiliate sales and tiny product launches would add up to $1,000s in revenue each month . . . wouldn't you already be seeing some of that?
What if you were to completely change your perspective, and stop listening to anyone who tells you to do tiny little launches and peddle low-ticket affiliate products
And set your sights on creating an IM - Niche membership with 1000 members at $30 a month?
One goal.
One focus.
Start today with one piece of content, add one tomorrow, add a weekly q and a call, start small, crowdsource (let members add content)
and just start adding lessons -
Get 1 member, 2 members, re-invest your revenue, buy a solo ad, get a few more members, run a wso ad, get a few more members - maybe 50 members at the end of one month ($1500 first month)
then next month - keep plugging away, one focus - STOP buying new trainings to do ANYTHING that doesn't further your goal - and just be laser-focused on 1000 members - do giveaways, do joint mailings, buy more solo ads (bribe your favorite guru with $200 to do a mailing to his/her list, don't tell them I suggested it), get a few more members - 100 at the end of the 2nd month
200 at the end of the 3rd month
your income is growing, the best part is it's residual - comes in whether you work or you don't (but you keep adding lessons each week)
How does that sound?
My guess is it sounds good - but you have 2 questions:
1) What software, what membership plugin, what hosting do you recommend?
2) How do I come up with the content fast, WITHOUT using plr?
Here's the thing - plr is great for people who are just starting out, want to build something small.
And you can always add plr to beef up your membership
But I believe the CORE of your membership should be . . . YOU
Personalized from YOU
But you might be asking, ok, but I don't KNOW that much -
So let me ask you this - if I were to give you a 500 word lesson on a particular lesson, could YOU read it and summarize it and add your own spin and . . .
write your OWN 500 word lesson?
And if I did that every day for 300 days, could you have 300 lessons in 300 days . . .and start selling NOW and add a lesson a day???
Or what if you really like video or audio - and you just record your 500 word lesson each day (that's about a 4 minute video)
and in 300 days you have 300 video lessons or 300 audio lessons and/or 300 print lessons.
So let's do some math . . . that's 500 words times 300 days == 150,000 words.
It sounds like a lot, but it's in small chunks so it's easier to do.
Now, what if we took it one step further and instead of me spoon-feeding you 500 words a day - I were to give you all 150,000 right NOW, right up front - and you could start making lessons TODAY and you could even get ahead of it all if you wanted . . .
So that's what I'm doing.
You'll get 150,000 words of rock solid content, deep stuff I've written on the following topics:
Information Marketing Master Doc - 7,100 words
How to Write An Email Campaign That Works - 5,500 words
How to Create Youtubes From Articles Fast - 2,200 words
Advanced Email Tips - 295 words
Deep Content Marketing Insight - 1,900 words
Truth and Lies about Information Marketing - 1,900 words
Presence Profits Core Doc - 5,000 words
Maven Influencer Doc - 7,600 words
Maven Coaching Model - 8,000 words
Offline Expert Presence - 8,800 words
Advanced Article Marketing - 7,300 words
Advanced Email Optimization - 4,800 words
High Value Sales Optimization - 6,100 words
Content Marketing Strategy For Blogging - 7,400 words
Standing Out in a Connected World - 4,700 words
Why You Should Add a Coaching Program to Your Lineup - 6,900 words
Layered SEO - 2,400 words
Master IM Book - 95,000 words
Increase Profit Book - 21,300 words --
Drive traffic with solo ads - 6344
Conversational copywriting - 10,675
How to choose a niche - 10,572
How to create products using teleseminars - 2516
How to market a product that can help a massive audience - 946 words
Reverse funnel training - 2525
How to create recorded products fast - 11,879
How to create a product funnel - 11282
Viral traffic training - 10,657
Now, it's about 268,000 words of training
Did you catch that . . .it's not 150,000 words
But 268,000 words! Enough for you to create 500 lessons instead of 300
and maybe even more since YOU will be creating your own lessons based on what you learn from me

Now, perhaps you are thinking, ok, but Sean this feels like a lot of work, I really want to just get some plr pack from someone with a bunch of copy and paste lessons I can slap up on my site.
I don't want to work AT ALL and I just want free money coming in each month.
Sorry, friend, that's a pipe dream,
Sure the government might promise that to get votes . . .but ever notice how they can't deliver (free healthcare is getting more expensive every day, have you looked at your insurance premiums lately? My wife and I pay about DOUBLE now that healthcare is affordable!!!!)
Sorry, my digression.
Look, if you want to just copy and paste . . go ahead, but it's not gonna make you rich - it's not even gonna pay your bills.
If you want a REAL business that real people want to invest in, and have 1000 members paying $30 a month . . .
you gotta create REAL content.
And ideally, you would just think it all up with years of study like I did.
But I'm guessing you don't have 60 hours a week to pour into learning and recording like I did when I first got started, before I got married and have real responsibilities.
So yeah, I'm gonna suggest you cut corners just a little - use MY KNOWLEDGE and MY WORDS to give you the ideas to create YOUR lessons.
And just commit to one hour a day to read 500 words of mine, then re-write in YOUR words, then convert to a lesson on your site, and do that for 500 days and you will have an amazing membership -
(better than any membership on earth, except of course yours truly :-) )
Seriously, are you willing to work for an hour a day to build a membership that's actually WORTH 1000 people paying you $30,000?
Now, let's talk about the investment.
I've taken years and years to learn what you are going to get from me on a silver platter.
And if you write at 2000 words an hour, it would take you 225 hours to write out everything I've written out that you get here.
And in fact, I've spent 1000's having some content transcribed.
And if your time is only worth $10 an hour - it would cost you $2250 in your time - and of course, if your time is worth more, it's more.
PLUS the time to study and learn everything - maybe ANOTHER 225 hours - or $2250 in additional cost of your time just to learn all this.
I could easily charge $5000 or more for this -
and it would be worth every penny when you have 1000 members at $30 a month!
But I want to make this totally affordable and no-brainer
And instead of $5000 . . .
Instead of $4000
instead of $3000 . . .
I'm doing wso - style pricing where the price goes up as folks invest . . .
so right now the price for you is until someone else buys and you refresh the page:
How would if feel to have 1000 people paying you $30 a month?
or even 200 people paying you $30 a month
or even 50 people paying you $30a month?
What would the extra income do for you and your family?
What would you do with the first $1000?
How would it feel to stop spinning your wheels and finally start making money?
If that would feel good, let's get started.

P.S. Here's a quick review of everything you get:
You'll get over 268,000 words you can re-write or record in any way you want to create YOUR OWN 900 lesson membership
As a bonus, I'm going to give you a special cheat sheet telling you:
What web host I personally use for my memberships
What wordpress theme I personally use and a couple you can choose from
What membership plugin or software I personally use PLUS a list of 30 you can choose from
All you have to do is set up the membership, starting writing one lesson per day using my words as prompts
Then start driving traffic to your email campaign, and watch members sign up with no interaction from you (unless you want to email them personally, your choice)

-- To your success,
Sean Mize