Sean Mize, author of Anyone Can Coach and 25,000 Ezinearticles Expert, reveals:

How to ÔªøCreate a Coaching Program in 48 Hours or Less!!

This 26 page manual will teach you:

--> The 5 Steps to Designing Your Coaching Program

--> How to Brainstorm What to Teach, Lesson by Lesson

--> Webinars, teleseminars, telephone, private blog, or a forum

--> Deep insight into structuring your coaching program for maximum success

You'll be amazed as you read this guide, how very easy it can be to start your OWN coaching program teaching what you know or are good at

You CAN start a coaching program immediately and change your life fast!

"I personally promise that if you implement the steps in this training and you have something to teach, you can create your own coaching program in 48 hours or less!"