Importance of Having a Purpose and Changing Lives

One of the things I’ve discovered is that
most folks who make it big, who figure it out
online, tend to have a “purpose,” something
other than money that really drives them.Something about changing lives, wanting to change
the world, change lives, change the way things
are done in their industry.

They tend to want to make a difference – and let
the money follow, instead of chasing the money.

What drives you?

Whose lives are you going to change this year?

When you figure out whose lives you are going to
change this year, you probably will know where the
money will come from – and once you know whose
lives you are going to change, it becomes easy
to ask, “ok, how am I going to change their lives”

And then it becomes really easy to think of
“what to sell” – you simply sell what will change
their lives!

I’ve been doing this full time for over 7 years now –
and it’s all about changing lives.

When lives change, people are willing to pay you
for changing their lives.

But if you aren’t changing lives, it’s real hard to
make a living online!!

by the way, if you want more on finding your purpose and changing lives, listen to this:

==>Find Your Purpose, Change the World