Quick Tip: Examples of Using Emotional Triggers in Niche Emails
There are several different types of emails you can use in your campaigns, and one is the question email. The question will be related to your niche. We’ve talked about this a couple of times, but I want you to understand how powerful this is.
Let’s just say that you’re in the psychology niche and you help people with eating disorders. An interactive question would be, “What are the three emotions that you’re having trouble with when you’re eating?” “Just hit reply, I promise to personally respond.” So this will get a percentage of people to respond to that email and when they do, you’re going to respond to them with tips that will get them in the right direction.
A question I get with this model is, “Well, what if they only want to coach with you for six months and they’re asking you questions every day?” Well, we’re not going to let that happen.
Here’s what I’d do on that first email, someone says, “I have three problems.” Whatever those problems are, choose one of them and try to give them the answer. I typically try to find the easiest one, that’s why I ask for three, as I know I can find the answer to at least one. If it’s something that I’ve taught on before, I might just send them an hour teaching session of mine for just one of their three issues. If I’ve written an article about it, I’ll send them a link to the article. If I have not written an article, I would write an article, wait until it’s published live and then send them the link to the live article. They’re then able to learn one of the three things.
What does this activate? This activates the reciprocity trigger because I am literally solving a problem for them. It’s implementing the “Reciprocity Trigger.” It’s also activating the “Friendship Trigger” because we’ve bounced back and forth. It’s also activated the “Authority Trigger” because in order to answer their question, I must have more knowledge then them. So we’re using three triggers right there.
(NOTE: Want My Personal Secrets for Writing a 90 Day Email Campaign - And Have it Make Sales On Autopilot? Use my proven system to write a campaign that churns out sales like gangbusters - and keeps your subscribers asking for more. Get it here.)![Excellent Email Campaign](http://infobusinessuniversity.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/excellent-campaign.jpg)
What I’m going to do next is give the reason why we used the “Hope Trigger.” In that same email I’m going to say, “Here is the answer to your problems.”” Then what I’m going to say is, “The other two problems are a little bit more in depth, I could help you with them, however, it would take more than just bouncing an email back and forth.”
At this point, there will be a fork in the road. If you do live consultations as part of your marketing strategy, you can just say, “Let’s get on the phone and talk about it.” You’ve already given an answer to one of their questions, so you’re not hiding anything, you’re helping them.
What you can say is, “I was able to help you with the first question as I had the answer readily available.” “For the other two, they were a little more involved so it”s going to take more time.” “Let’s get on the phone for a free consultation, we can work on it and I’ll tell you a bit about my coaching program.” You get them on the phone so you can get into more detail and market over the phone.
You don’t want to be too “salesy” so you could get them on the phone, explain to them that you have a coaching program and you can help them with the other two issues that they still have. Leave it up to them because you don’t want to push them, however, they”ll find the value and you’re helping them. If all three issues are really shallow and you can give a quick answer to them, you would not need to follow this route, just simply answer the questions. This example is for more intensive questions that are going to need more explanation and further detail and time.
If you have a situation where someone is asking very simple questions, answer them then maybe send them a link to one of your programs instead of coaching. What you’ll find by following this is that the “buyers” the people that are really interested in getting more information, they’ll respond and want to know more about your coaching program, or your home study course, or get on the phone with you.
So, there are a few examples of how we can satisfy their needs and work gently towards getting them to invest with you. You’re doing it in a very natural way. Notice that by responding this way you’re activating “The Reason Why Trigger” because you’re saying, “Hey, this is going to take more than just a few emails back and forth.” The “Hope Trigger” is that you’ve just proven to them that you can help them on one level and it increases their trust that they can have hope that you can help them with the other levels.
(NOTE: Want My Personal Secrets for Writing a 90 Day Email Campaign - And Have it Make Sales On Autopilot? Use my proven system to write a campaign that churns out sales like gangbusters - and keeps your subscribers asking for more. Get it here.)![Excellent Email Campaign](http://infobusinessuniversity.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/excellent-campaign.jpg)