Big Idea Breakthrough

Congratulations for Choosing to Attend My Big Idea Breakthrough Class . . .

It’s scheduled for Tuesday the 1st of November at 11 AM ET, here is the access line:

Access line and recording for live training, Big Idea Breakthrough

Here is the Worksheet for the live training:

Big Idea Breakthrough Worksheet


However, to make the best use of this Big Idea Breakthrough session so that you can leave the WorkShop with your OWN Big Idea, there are 3 homework components I highly recommend you complete:

  1. Listen to these 4 trainings:
    Visualize the disruption in your nicheHow to Find a Million Person ProblemHow to Find the Solution to a Million Person ProblemHow to Brainstorm a Disruptive Innovation in Your Niche
  2. Buy and read this book: How to Kill a Unicorn by Mark Payne
  3. AFTER listening to all 4 tracks AND reading the above book: fill out these questions for yourself:
    Who desperately NEEDS what you are going to teach, share, or sell?Why do they need it from YOU and no one else?Is anyone else doing exactly the same thing?How is YOUR solution different or better than everyone else who teaches what you want to?

    How is YOUR solution going to change people’s lives?

    Is your solution simpler or more complex than the existing solutions?

    Do you want to be the LEADER in your business concept, or just go along with everyone else and get by?

  4. Write a Doc called: Why do you want to Discover your own Big Idea? Write this out as a personal document. Make it like you are turning it in as a final exam in your PhD program in college.

I KNOW that’s a lot of work.

But finally discovering your Big Idea, the Big Idea that will finally propel you to success, although I’m sharing with you the formula, both through the homework here, and on the live training Tuesday, will not be something that just falls into your lap, while sitting on your couch. It will require hard work . . . the good news is, if you’ll dig in and DO this homework and come to the Single Session Workshop prepared to WORK – I believe you’ll emerge with your own BIG IDEA Breakthrough that will change your life!

Sean Mize