How to Create a Master Product Plan for Your Business
The very 1st thing that you’re going to do is to create a master outline of all of your knowledge in your niche. A master outline of all of your knowledge in your niche. This may take you several hours to do, but this will be well worth your time for the rest of your career in this niche. The reason for this is that this master outline is going to serve as the master outline for all of the products that you create in your niche.
Obviously, in the future you can add to your outline. But this outline can initially be your complete outline. Let me explain how that works. You’re going to write down all of the different topics about which you have information in your niche. Let’s assume that you write them all down and you have 10. You may only 8, that’s okay. You may have 25, that’s okay as well. But for the purpose of this call, I have to have a number to work with, so I’m not just constantly saying 8, 12, 25. We’re just going to use the number 10. It does not have to be 10. But you’re going to have 10. You’re going to have some number of topics, we’re going to call it 10 for this teaching.
So, you have 10 topics. You are going to write out all of those 10 topics. Then, you are going to write out for each one of those 10 topics, all of the things that you know about that particular topic. You may have 10 things that you know about that topic, you may have 20 things that you know about that topic. Let’s give you a really simple, I use this because everybody can identify with it, I use one of your actual niches, and not everybody can necessarily identify with it. I’ve used the example of gardening in the past. So, if we were to create all of the knowledge that we know about gardening, and if you’re a gardening expert, and I’m not. You might have 10 topics, and these 10 topics might be
- Summer Gardening
- Winter Gardening
- Gardening in Your Backyard
- Gardening Hydroponically
- Gardening on Your Apartment Balcony
- Gardening Fruits
- Gardening Vegetables
- Gardening Herbs
That’s 8, I don’t know a lot about gardening, so let’s stop at 8. Those are my 8 topics for this sample niche. Then what we’re going to do is, we’re going to choose for every one of those 8 topics, we’re going to put down everything that we know. So, let’s just choose 1 of these. And, I don’t know anything about these, so I’m just going to be guessing.
So, let’s choose the one about Gardening on your literal, physical, garden in your back yard. That’s going to be one topic, now there’s 7 more, you can do the same thing for all of these, obviously, this isn’t your niche. You’ll be doing it for your niche.
So, gardening in the back yard.
One thing that you might know about is soil. You might also know about tilling the soil. You might know about fertilizing the soil. You might know about watering the soil. You might know about choosing the right plants for climate. You might know about choosing the right seeds, when to plant them, how to plant them. How to weed. How to track their growth. That’s 10, but let’s add on 11, how to harvest your garden. So, now I’ve created 11 points, underneath one of my topics.
Now, if I was a gardening expert, I would do this for every single one of these 8 points.
When you get done, you have 8 points, 8 topics, that you could create a freestanding product for. You could create a freestanding product for Gardening in Your Backyard. You could create a freestanding product for Gardening Hydroponically. You could create a freestanding product for Gardening Fruits. You could create a freestanding product for Gardening Vegetables, and for all of the other 8 topics, or 4 or 5, or whatever it turns out to be.
You could create a standalone product for each one of those. You could create one master product that teaches on all 8 topics.
You could also, as time goes on, as your subscribers ask you more questions. You could create advanced products. Maybe you have some subscribers who ask you, well, what about fertilization? How do you fertilize?
You realize that if you just take that one point, which was a subtopic of a topic, you could come up with a whole hour, or 2 or 3, of teaching just on fertilizing. You could come up with a teaching just on soil.
You could come up with a teaching on fruits. You could come up with a teaching just on apples. Just on pears. Just on blackberries. Just on cherries. Just on raising watermelons. This will allow you, literally, with this outline to create dozens and dozens of products as time goes on. This is a critical step.
It’s amazing the breakthroughs my clients have when they do this master outline. Once you’ve created your master outline, creating your products becomes really easy. You’ve created now, this particular outline, now you’re going to set out to create your first $100 product.
(NOTE: Would you like my “2 Hour Product” blueprint? Get my exact system for creating a product in 2 hours. You can literally get up tomorrow morning, create a product from start to finish, use my half-hour sales letter template, and launch just before you go to lunch. Click here to get your product created today.)![](