The Very BEST Way For YOU To Build YOUR List

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Hello and welcome to the “2019-2020 Personal Marketing Blueprint Series Blueprint: List Building Technique” edition!

This is the latest installment by Dennis Becker and me….

And builds off of both Sean Mize’s Flagship product, “100K A Year Blueprint” (which you also have in the subfolder \100K , and the Ling Notes (all the good parts summarized!)

The plain fact is, once you’ve internalized the personal business technique (which involves creating products/building your list/etc via 5 specific “tracks”), you’ve internalized a very effective means to reach your personal business goal.

Thing is…

List building has been recognized as a key component to increasing one’s bottom line.

But there’s more than one way to build a list, did you know?

Heck, there’s dozens and dozens!

So if one way doesn’t work for you, chances are, you can consider something else.

But not only that…

There are some things that no matter WHAT way you choose to build your list…

Well, they’re universal.

And that’s what you’re about to learn now:

  • Step 1.) Invest in a PAID Autoresponder and Create Your List
  • Step 2.) Decide Bonus To Offer and Create Optin Page/Form
  • Step 3.) Create Thank You Page and Thank You Response
  • Step 4.) Research The BEST List Building Technique For You
  • Step 5.) Armed With That, Implement The Technique!
  • Step 6.) Build Your List!

Ready for the adventure?

Alrighty – turn the page and move to:

Before You Begin

It’s no mistake… just about every guru you hear from will talk about the importance of building your list.

And with good reason!

But let’s start from the very beginning, shall we?

What exactly IS a list?

If you don’t yet have one, it might be difficult to truly conceive what it is.

A list, at it’s most basic, is simply a collection of email addresses.

That’s it.

That’s all.

A collection of email addresses.

When viewed in this light, it doesn’t seem too scary, right?

But here’s the thing.

These email addresses… you know how they’re gained?

There’s several ways that include:

The previous should be enough to give you an idea for what a list is, and how one builds it.

But again… what’s the very best way for YOU to build your own list?

See, that’s the thing.

*Everyone* has their own very best way of building a list that works for *them*.

So what works for one person, for example, might not work for someone else.

However… some things ARE common across virtually ALL methods of list building, so it’s critical to get those down *right*.  Let’s begin with:

Step 1.) Invest in a PAID Autoresponder and Create Your List

Yep, I said it.

In other words, do NOT get a FREE autoresponder account!

The reason why?  Well, “free” ARs are free for a reason – they always tack on their OWN marketing message at the end of YOUR marketing message.

Now, true, there are WP autoresponder plugins like:

But I definitely suggest you pony up the money and invest in paid.

See, here’s why.

Building a list for your autoresponder simply means you are gathering and storing email addresses…. for the *purpose of contacting these people in the future*.

(That’s called eMail Marketing, btw.  It’s how you will increase your profits in the future – every day you can email your list a daily newsletter, the latest product releases and the like.)

Wasn’t that simple?

Thing is, you need a PLACE to store these email addresses.

Think of it like a library full of books.

The Library is a PLACE that contains lots of books.

With me so far?

Well, an autoresponder is a PLACE that contains all the email addresses on your list.

And how do you choose these autoresponder services?

Well, if you search online, you’ll find free autoresponder services.



Because free autoresponders will always tack on their OWN marketing message at the end of YOUR emails….

And the sole purpose TO building a list…

… is to ensure it grows ONLY your own Like, Know and Trust relationship with your fanbase.

Every email you send should highlight only YOU.

Nobody else.

That is why you should NEVER EVER use a free autoresponder to build your list.

(NOTE! Whenever you hear about those “build your list for free” thingees – they’re talking about getting LEADS (aka email addresses) for free.

They are NOT talking about how you actually store those leads (aka your autoresponder).)

So if FREE is out, what are you next choices?


There are several options available for autoresponders…. but before I get to those, let me give you a great analogy for autoresponders in general.

Behold…. a library shelf.

And while you’re beholding, think:

Library ==> Autoresponder Software (can have multiple autoresponders)

Topic Section ==> Individual Autoresponder

Books ==> eMail Addresses

It looks something like:

With me so far?

Alrighty, now check out my dashboard in aWeber.


That’s a nifty way you can think of Autoresponders.

I myself use:

You CAN use MailChimp as well, but as they frown heavily upon affiliate marketing, I do NOT recommend them for serious IM Marketers.

Couple of things to remember. The more subscribers you get, the more you will be charged. 

It’s a fact of life, it’s a cost of doing business. But until you get to the threshold, remember aWeber gives you one month FREE, and Getresponse is only $15 or so per month.

One neat thing ALL autoresponder services provide are truly helpful tutorials on their blogs…. check them out over at:

I *highly* recommend taking the time to peruse those blogs and get a grand understanding on just HOW building your list can profit you for years to come.

Your Takeaway

Your takeaway is that to even BUILD your list, you NEED an autoresponder.

And ideally… that autoresponder should be paid, so they don’t dilute your marketing message with one of theirs..

The next thing to do is give people a *reason* to sign up for your list!

Move now to:

Step 2.) Decide Bonus To Offer and Create Optin Page/Form

Ah, the bonus.

The reason for people to sign up!

The reason for people to give you their email address?

What kind of free bonus/giveaway/paid gift/etc. can you offer?


You can give away PLR like those found at:

You can create your own video on YouTube where you share tricks and tips regarding a topic that the visitor would find useful.  Then you can make that video unlisted, and provide that link as the incentive for folks to sign up.

You can create a single 1 page cheatsheet that saves your reader bunches of time!

Truly, you’re only limited by your imagination.

So, create/buy/etc. your bonus, and upload it to your site where it can be accessible.

Next, you need to create the Optin Form so people can sign up.

And if you’d like generic optin plugins, check out:

MailOptin – Popups, Email Optin Forms & Newsletters for MailChimp, Aweber etc.

Free Popups, WordPress Lead Generation Opt in, Email Popup, Exit-Intent Popup – Poptin

There are additional great tools to create leadmagnets like Leadpages as well.

When you create an optin, there are several ways to customize it.

You can request people’s names so you can call them by their first name in your email messages.

An advanced technique is to create customized fields like so:

And here’s something really cool – you can add GLOBAL data via text snippets to your form like so:

What’s cool about this is you can create followup templates for particular autoresponder sequences…

… and because you’ve set up a text snippet, all you have to do to tailor an email campaign is to change the value of that snippet to whatever niche/content you’d like.

But I digress.

Your Takeaway:

Here, you learned what your optin form needs to contain:

Your Autoresponder List (see:

An idea of the Bonus (in a pinch, straight PLR can be used, but ideally be a bit more personalized and creative)

A place to put that form (ideally on your blog, or a landing page, or something else that is simple that you own)

and also other advanced things you can add into your webform.

But you’re not done yet – once your reader opts in, they’ll need a “thank you” page to be taken to!

Move now to:

Step 3.) Create Thank You Page and Thank You Response

Think about it!

ALL autoresponders have a default thank you page.


Wouldn’t it be grand if you could take people who opt in, to your list, to a custom Thank you page that:

  • Tells your subscribers where to get their goodie
  • Provides extra ideas and things to look at
  • Even offers affiliate links that if someone buys… you get the credit for?

‘course it would!

Generally, you create your thank you page in whatever editor you prefer using (WordPress, html , etc.) and the contents can range from a complete “Thank you!” like so:

That’s the “thank you” page I have for folks who buy my products.

But there’s other “thank you” pages like this one:

As you can see, the above page not only gives the person their goodie, but it also:

  • Gives them another opportunity to get onto a different list
  • Proactively provides them with how to whitelist *my* email address
  • Offers free bonuses that if people end up buying the paid version… I get the affiliate credit.

Good stuff!

So how exactly DO you create a thank you page?

Resources to help you with that include:

And once you HAVE a thank you page, you can add it to your autoresponder optin form.  Resources for that include:

Patiently follow the instructions provided to add in your thank you page to your webform.  (fun fact – you can also add an ‘already on list’ page if someone tries to subscribe again).

Your Takeaway:

Here, you learned all about the mysteries of thank you pages!

It involves:

  • Your Autoresponder List (because you need to add in the thank you page redirect)
  • Your blog or properties that you own or buy (so you have a place to put your optin and also your thank you page)

And you can basically say… you now have at your hands the tools to create an optin form on your page.

You know what’s required…

You know how to deliver the bonus….

You are READY to build a list!

Thus, move now to:

Step 4.) Research The BEST List Building Technique For You

Isn’t that a great topic?

See, there are more list building tutorials out there than are seeds on a fresh field of dandelions!

But here’s the issue…

Like I mentioned earlier in this product – what works for ONE person might leave bunches of others feeling depressed and sullen and decaffeinated.

So you need to find out what list building works for you!

Here are some searches to help you do that:

How to Build an Email List from Scratch Fast (Top Tips From an Expert)

And yes.

This DOES mean YOU need to to the research to find out what appeals to YOU the most.

For example, lets look at the 73 Proven and Simple ways to grow your email list from

One technique is:

  • Make some of your content gated

So!  You can go to Google and search for:

Voila – you’ll get back tutorials that show you the best ways to do that!

Here, have how to find instructions for all 73:















Take a long hard look all these listings from (and be sure to sign up for their list too!).  Good stuff!

Your Takeaway

Your takeaway is that one list building technique might work for one person…

It might not work for YOU!

That’s why you need to do your due dilegence and uncover the very best list building technique you can…. for YOU personally

And once you’ve done the research for list building… and zeroed in on what works best for *you*, move to

Step 5.) Armed With That, Implement The Technique!

Makes sense, right?

Take that favorite technique and then list EVERYTHING that is required.

It could be additional affiliate links…

It could be you have to create pages in certain websites…

It could be that you have to redo-your blog sidebar…

It could be that you have to learn some Fiverr techniques as well…

The main thing to get out of this:

Your Takeaway

You takeaway is you are now in the drivers seat.  Not only do you control IF your list will be built, you’ll figure out how to change that IF into a Definite “WHEN”.

Yep – there’s no magic trick, no silver bullet…

YOU have to put in the effort to making things happen *today*.

Which, as you know, is the way it should be.

You are strong, you are glorious…. you are up to the challenge of finally building your list.

Speaking of which, the next step is:

Step 6.) Build Your List!

All that research you did…

All those ideas you debated about…

Ideally, you DID zero in on something that is quite grand.

So!  Go on out there… and build YOUR list.

It’s waiting for you…


But we’re not done yet – it’s time now for you:

BONUS: Building a List With Cheatsheets

This is one of my favorite ways of building a list, because it both makes me money…  AND it builds my list!

When you put a product on WarriorPlus or JVzoo etc., you can tie that product into an autoresponder followup (ie, its an automatic process)

And because cheatsheets can be priced relatively cheap (ie, $2-$5 or so), its a much easier sell to buyers.

Your list does grow with each purchase (yay!) AND you can add in upsells to entice affiliates to promote it more.

So here’s a quick primer on cheatsheets.

Because they are generally a quick 1 problem / 1 solution report, your single page can be broken down into 3 sections:

  • Step 1.)  The Problem
  • Step 2.)  Gathering Up The Solution
  • Step 3.)  Layinng It Out In Terms a Beginner Can Understand

And they are so easy to create – you can great tutorials from:

You can use a single cheatsheet as a front end product…

And then create upsells from already done-for-you businesses in boxes!

Here’s an example Front end (it’s a mobile roadmap actually, but very similar to a cheatsheet):

MSC: Mastering Self Confidence

Here’s an entire Business in a Box as one of the upsells:

MSC: Entire Self Confidence Secrets Package with Master Resell Rights

And then the upsell of Videos:

MSC: Video Upgrade!

 In the above case… every buyer gets added to my own list.


What You’ve Just Learned

What a tremendous amount of information you’ve gathered today!

You’ve discovered:

Before You Begin

  • Step 1.) Invest in a PAID Autoresponder and Create Your List
  • Step 2.) Decide Bonus To Offer and Create Optin Page/Form
  • Step 3.) Create Thank You Page and Thank You Response
  • Step 4.) Research The BEST List Building Technique For You
  • Step 5.) Armed With That, Implement The Technique!
  • Step 6.) Build Your List!

But you’re not done yet – it’s time for:

Your Next Steps

Your next steps are to DO!

Ensure you have a paid autoresponer.

Take some time to read all the help files they offer so you have perfect knowledge of what goes to in building your list.

Zero in on the BEST technique for …

And then make it all happen.

Remember, the coffee is in your cup – make a stellar brew today.


This concludes your power report! And please don’t forget to network with us:

Hope you enjoyed this powerful blueprint! I welcome connecting with you on Facebook – please click above to “like” and start to chat!

You’re going to love what you discover!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling & Dennis Becker


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