PLR to Forum Consultant Training Program

Congratulations! You have chosen a great PLR training program that will deliver REAL value to your buyers!

Here are the terms: You have standard plr (private label rights) to this content. You can repurpose it, rerecord it, transcribe it and create print products (like ebooks and articles), or just resell it on its own. The only things you CAN’t do is resell the resale rights and give it away.

Other than that – sell it as you wish, repurpose it and call it your own – anything you want!

Here is the training (I recommend downloading and then uploading to your own site and page):

==>Forum Consulting

and the sales pages (note, it is branded for WSO Consulting, but can be branded to general Forum Consulting):

==>Sales Page

— Sean Mize, author of

==>Anyone Can Coach

By the way, if you want more PLR, I recommend these:

==>PLR to Content Marketing Training Program

==>PLR to Product Creation Training Program

And here are some other recommended trainings for you:

==>How to Write a 21 Day Email Campaign

==>How to Create a WSO in 2 Hours or Less

==>How to Create a Personalized Blueprint for Your Business