“100k Intro Part 3”

By now you should have created your 10 x 10 matrix for your business.

At this point, sometimes with beginners in the business, there are sometimes people that don’t know what their niche is. If that is not you, just skip the next paragraph!

If you don’t know what your niche could be, read this guide: how to choose a niche tutorial Then, if you are still stuck, send me an email. You must choose a niche, something you will teach others. You cannot make $100k online if you don’t have something of value you can give others in exchange for their money.

Back to you:

Now that you have done your 10 x 10 matrix, it is time to begin to outline your product funnel.

As you probably have guessed based on the training in the first part of the intro to this program, you will need several products to get to $100k.

And I’m going to make creating them – easy.

Today’s assignment is going to be to create an outline of your product funnel. This is not your final outline. It’s not your final product funnel. It’s the one you will begin to create. Over time you will add to it, change your products, etc.

First, listen to these trainings:

Position Yourself as a Guru in Your Niche Fast

Multiple Product Funnel

Then your assignment: write out at least 5 different product ideas you could create, and the topic you could create them on:

For example:

1) create a 3 hour beginning training in your niche

2) create a 3 hour advanced training on an advanced topic in your niche

3) create a recording-of-the-month monthly continuity

4) create a coaching program with 2 lessons per month

5) create a 10 hour mp3 series as a $1000 home study course

Those are just ideas. By now, having listened to the various trainings, you should be getting some ideas come into your mind about how you can help people.

Take the time to do this exercise. One of the biggest reasons I see people not achieve their goals is that they skip the foundational steps like this, wanting to rush into creating products and creating a list and driving traffic – only to find they are creating the wrong products for the wrong market and trying to sell to the wrong traffic.

Take the time to build this right!
