Quick Tip: How to Deliver Free Products the Right Way (So Your Subscribers Trust You Completely)
Although everyone does it, free products are still essential to getting people to join your list. They simply won’t do it now solely on the basis that what they might receive from you will be valuable. You have to give it to them to prove that it is, otherwise they have no reason to believe you.
There are just too many charlatans on the Web to take you at your word.
Although high-quality free products are a given, their means of delivery quite often is not. And if you want to have any credibility with those who join your list, then you need to take this on board before you tell anyone what you’re offering them.
There are two common ways in which Internet markets attempt to deliver their free products unethically. The first is by charging for their free product.
That may sound like an oxymoron, but here’s how it works.
Let’s say that you’ve found a free product that you really want. You go to the landing page where you expect to find a sign-up form. What you find instead is a credit card form. And the deal is that in order to get the free product, you have to provide your credit card number, CVV, expiration date, etc.
What’s your reaction? How does that make you feel? Misled? Duped? Conned?
You’ve be absolutely right to feel that way because no matter how often your told that your credit card details will not be used, you’re left wondering why on earth they need them.
It’s not exactly the way to build trust from the outset, and the smart thing really would be to go to a different web site altogether.
The second way is just as devious.
In this scenario, you’re promised a valuable product in exchange for your email address. But instead of getting a link to the product, you’re sent to a sales page. That page, of course, attempts to sell you a high-ticket item.
Some sales pitches are long, while others take you into an upsell/downsell sequence. But either way, they have your email address, and you are on a wild goose chase trying to get the product that you originally wanted.
If you’ve ever had that experience, then I’m sure that you made every effort to get off of the offending list as soon as possible.
Imagine how your prospects would feel if that was their first experience with you?
(NOTE: Want My Personal Secrets for Writing a 90 Day Email Campaign - And Have it Make Sales On Autopilot? Use my proven system to write a campaign that churns out sales like gangbusters - and keeps your subscribers asking for more. Get it here.)